Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Seek Him

As a ministry, we're deciding whether to close the classes during the summer or keep going. We would like to know how each of you are doing and pray the days are finding you all well. Last friday, my boyfriend's mom passed away and has left me in a bit of a fragile state. Thank you Jesus I have sisters lifting me up in prayer! Thank you to all who have prayed for her. She is in a better place now and has accepted Jesus a month before she passed. I hope and pray you know we are all here for you if there is anything you need lifted up. What has helped me each day is seeking the Lord for healing. And without that quiet time with Him, it would be impossible.


by EastLake Church

Theme: Stillness

Read: Psalm 46 (NIV)

Reflect: Seeking quiet time with God, I escape the madness at home and retreat to a nearby Starbucks. "Be still," but I hear the sounds of reggae and oldies music playing simultaneously. "Be still," but the lady next to me is reading aloud. "Be still," but my phone is playing a variety of tunes notifying me of emails, texts, calls, and Facebook postings. I escaped to find quiet time with God, but busyness has followed me. Sound familiar? Are your days filled with school, kids, work, errands, worries, stresses?
In Psalm 46 we learn that God instructs us to "Be still" because he wants to be our refuge and strength in times of trouble. The Bible states that though the earth gives way, waters roar, and mountains quake, God is with us. He's our fortress; he's strong; he's in control. To "Be still, and know that I am God," means that we can experience God anytime we acknowledge him for who he is, and recognize who we aren't. He is in control of the world and our lives; we are not. We can let go and trust him--not because our lives are free of chaos--but because we trust our Almighty God.
We honor God by sitting in his presence and being still before him. We can begin to hear his voice and understand more about him when we to learn how to silence the world around us.

React: Take 15 minutes to meet with God today. Sit in his presence; enjoy his company. He longs be in a relationship with you.

Pray: Lord, help me to make quiet time with you my priority. It is when I seek you that I will find you.

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